Copyright and Trademark Notices

All CompuScholar courses, videos, supplemental documentation, and contents of this website are copyright protected. Copyright © CompuScholar, Inc. TeenCoder(TM), KidCoder(TM), and CompuScholar, Inc.(TM) are registered trademarks of CompuScholar, Inc.


Courses are licensed per student, per year or per month. Each student must obtain a valid login to access student material. Each teacher must obtain a valid login to access teacher material. Due to the nature of the Learning Management System, which tracks individual student progress, classroom sets are not available. Licenses may be transferred between students as needed, so long as multiple students do not share the same login at the same time.

Public/Private schools and similar classrooms - Unless otherwise requested, licenses for a school year are generally activated in late July and run through the following mid-June. Schools may request special start/stop dates to support summer work or other needs.

Homeschool students and individual purchases - Your account will be maintained for the duration of your paid subscription. Once your subscription elapses or is cancelled, you will not be able to access the course material, grades, or history. We will maintain your inactive account details for 60 days after cancellation in case you decide to renew the subscription. After 60 days, we may purge your account completely from the system with no possible recovery.

Homeschool "sibling" discounts - Some courses allow the purchase of discounted "sibling" access. These sibling licenses are only for immediate family members of a fully licensed student that is already enrolled in a course. Unrelated students must always have their own full student license.

Terms of Use

Enrollment in any of our courses will constitute agreement to these Terms of Use. Enrollees may only distribute course material to students and teachers who have obtained a valid license. You may not distribute these courses by any means to anyone else. You are not allowed to make course material available for free (or fee) on any other public source of distribution media, including the Internet, by means of posting the file, or a link to the file on newsgroups, forums, blogs or any other location. You may reproduce (print or copy) course materials as needed privately for your licensed students' use.

Students or districts will retain ownership rights of all files and content uploaded to our Learning Management System. Material that is illegal, discriminatory, or otherwise offensive may be deleted without notice, and the responsible accounts may be terminated with no refund.

It is the school or teacher's responsibility to preserve or export grades and other student work prior to the advertised end-date for each class. Once students are removed from a class, all student data is purged from our systems and cannot be recovered.

Disclaimer and Indemnification

CompuScholar, Inc, and their officers and shareholders assume no liability for damage to personal computers or loss of data residing on personal computers arising due to the use or misuse of this course material. Always follow instructions provided by the manufacturer of 3rd party programs that may be included or referenced by this course.


Information and policies on this page may be updated on an as-needed basis.

Last Updated 2/02/2016.
Updates are announced via a post in our news area.